Brownson School
501 West Power Avenue
Brownson Elementary School, located at 501 West Power Avenue, was named for John Milton Brownson, a prominent merchant and founder of Victoria’s first bank. In 1876, Brownson sold some of his property to Victoria County to be used as a school.
Schools in Victoria were drastically overcrowded by 1910. The school board rallied the public and a successful bond election assured the construction of more school buildings. A substantial brick structure was erected on the donated land. It was named Brownson School. For an additional $15,000 a second building, remarkably similar to Brownson School, was built at 1500 North Depot Street and was named North Heights School. Twenty-five years later the name was changed to Juan Linn School.
You can learn more about this home and the families that have lived here in Volume I of Historic Homes of Victoria, available here online through our SHOP or at the Victoria Preservation, Inc. office.