Leibold Building
102 South Main Street
The corner of Main and Constitution streets has served as the site of a drug store longer than any other location for a pharmacy in Texas. The first known pharmacist in Victoria, Texas, was A. B. Holbrook who opened a regular drug store on Main Street in 1846. In 1847, he relocated to a new building constructed of local Guadalupe River bottom trees and plastered native cement blocks at 102 South Main. Holbrook's Pharmacy, known as the Victoria Drug Store, was therefore the initial drug store on the corner.
After multiple owners and business names, In 1880, the building was sold to Louis P. Leibold and Herman A. Leibold. Louis, a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, purchased Herman's share of the property in 1884, and operated the business as Leibold's Drug Store. Leibold advertised his pharmacy as being a place where " drugs, medicines and chemicals, patent medicines, perfumery and toilet articles" could be bought either for cash or credit.
In 1910, Leibold demolished the edifice he and his brother bought in 1880 and built the current structure.
The building was recently purchased by Lascena Simmons who moved her business, Peaches & Tortilla on to Main Street.
You can learn more about this home and the families that have lived here in Volume II of Historic Homes of Victoria, available here online through our SHOP or at the Victoria Preservation, Inc. office.