J. D. Mitchell House
301 South Bridge Street
To date, no architect has been identified as the one who designed the Mitchell home. It has been suggested that Mrs. Mitchell sketched out the basic floor plan. The house is astonishingly large, and beautifully detailed. The house is unabashedly Queen Anne in style. It is asymmetrical. The east-facing façade features turned posts, shingled ogee arch and other shaped spandrels between bays on the porch, which includes jig-sawn brackets under soffits on angled bays, and below eaves on dormers and turret. Typical of the time, there is evidence of much recycled lumber. Local business names are stenciled on some of the wood in the attic. The magnificent turret on the southeast corner boasts round, arched transoms. The gabled entry bay is notable for its sunburst tympanum and spandrels, including shingled and paneled courses on bays.
You can learn more about this home and the families that have lived here in Volume I of Historic Homes of Victoria, available here online through our SHOP or at the Victoria Preservation, Inc. office.